Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Some thought about "thoughts"

"Thoughts" - the seed from which we manifest our "self". It is an interesting concept. Thoughts occur in the "mind". Western Science has been trying to determine what "constitutes" a mind; and hence determine the place from which thoughts emanate and searching for it in the energy fields of the brain. Eastern Science treats thoughts in a more holistic manner.

Thoughts are the expression of "self" - a rough definition of Atma (soul). Thoughts emanates in our mind and result into feelings. Our emotions - anger, love, jealousy, sadness, happiness, etc - are feelings that result from thoughts. These emotions then makes us act in a certain way, which leads to actions. And of course, actions results into reactions from the other side who received the result of an action. Actions can be perceived as good or bad based on the perception of the do-er and receiver. Each feeling and the corresponding action can also be seen as form of energy that we express, that adds onto the existing energy field around us. This is the karma of our actions.

Most of us would experienced this energy and the energy fields in our life in different forms and fashion. When we are in the midst of a pious man, we can feel that the surroundings reflecting a certain kind of positiveness that projects content. When we are in the midst of a crowd that is protesting, we can feel the energy that is disruptive; when we are in a stadium watching an interesting match between the two teams, we can feel the edginess. These are examples of the energy that we experience in our daily life.

It is not the actions that actually creates the energy; action is just a path to this energy. It is the "thoughts" that is manifest itself as the energy, the karma. The thoughts can create and manifest positive energy. Hence, it becomes very important for us to create thoughts that help us achieve our goals. If thoughts have to be positive, then the mind has to be tended too (more about it sometime later).

Give it a try - next time, when you are late in getting ready for a busy day, you feel the anxiety, your young one throws a tantrum to make your more anxious and frustrated leading you to anger - you have a choice of how you deal with it. It is in your thinking. Try it and see how you can change the situation and the energy around you by thinking in a calm and positive manner.

The same principle applies to your work and everything else in life. It is difficult. I have been trying to implement it for the past few weeks. It has been an interesting challenge.

At the same time, it leaves us wondering - what is mind? Is it the thoughts of our self, our Atma or is it the brain?

Have fun :-).

Monday, January 18, 2010

Stay hungry, stay foolish

It has been a long time since my last blog. All these days, I have been experimenting with the ability to blog regularly on issues and topics that are relevant to my startup (on the internal company blog). Now, having looked at the positive outcome, I am revisiting this blog of mine and keep it running.

And, what better way to restart - "Stay hungry; Stay foolish" says the great inventor of our times. Click the video link for more details.

Connect the Dots * Love & loss (don't loose faith even the going becomes difficult as long as you love what you do) * Death, the ultimate destination for us.

Happy reading.